Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Jakarta Post , Jakarta-The truth is out there

The truth is out there, online

Adisti Sukma Sawitri , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta

Thu, 03/06/2008 11:58 AM | City

Superstitious types who collect amulets might consider themselves worlds apart from science-fiction nerds who believe in unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. But at least both agree Nyi Roro Kidul, a powerful female genie believed to rule the northern coast of Java, exists.

While most of the amulet collectors travel to the northern coast seeking her charms, the female genie is also a sizzling chat topic, triggering a long discussion at the Yahoo group mailing list BETA-UFO, a UFO hobbyists' community.

Only BETA-UFO calls her a "beautiful alien", instead of a genie.

"In ancient times, Nyi Roro Kidul rode a golden wagon. This is similar to a long-bearded Nordic alien that traveled on a stag-drawn cart from the North Pole to give gifts to children around the world. At that time the wagon and carts were sophisticated enough. Now they (the aliens) fly with UFOs," said the group's moderator Nur Agustinus in one of the discussion threads in January.

Aliens and UFOs might be considered as part of the meeting between science and irrationality that has grown in the United States. In Indonesia, however, UFO and alien fan clubs have blossomed with the rising use of the Internet in the past few years.

Communities of UFO hobbyists all across the country join mailing lists and exchange pictures and information on the internet. Some blog to share thoughts with anyone who happens to drop by their site.

The BETA-UFO community, which was founded by Nur Agustinus in 1997, is the largest of these forums with a total of 750 members on its Yahoo group's mailing list. The mailing list members are scattered throughout all regions of the country.

The community only holds one or two actual meetings every year as they use the Internet to share updates on UFO phenomenons. There are always dozens of replies for every topic posted on the mailing list.

In its portal,, the community scrupulously records supposed UFO sightings in Indonesia and other countries -- from the most controversial reports about the Roswell case in New Mexico, United States, in 1947 to the most recent sightings of UFOs on the sky above Mega Kuningan, Central Jakarta.

The reports of extraterrestrial beings added to the mailing list and the portal are combined with newspaper clippings on abductions and sighting of "extra-dimensional" beings like genies or haunting spirits.

"We list every report from almost everybody. Nobody mocks their sightings, no matter how absurd they are," said Donny Tahir, the community's public relations officer.

Repeat reports about extra-dimensional beings and aliens are inevitable in the group's archives, he said.

Donny admitted that not all the reports were true and sometimes people only wanted to fool around, but the community's leaders always let readers decide whether or not to believe a report.

UFOs and aliens are nothing new to Indonesia. The first reported sighting was from Alor island, East Nusatenggara, in 1959. Local police reported six mysterious "non-human beings" on the island.

The central government set up the National Space and Aviation Agency in 1962, with a mission to receive reports about extraterrestrial beings in the country. The first chief of the organization, R.J. Salatun, was also one of the first pioneers of UFO believers in the country.

Another hobbyist, Michael Gumelar, who also runs the blog and a mailing list for UFO discussions, said it was normal for debunkers, those who did not believe in UFOs, to raise their eyebrows over their activities.

But he said not all UFO believers or hobbyists based their beliefs on fantasies or movies. He claimed his discussion forum put more weight on scientific and technological aspects of UFOs and aliens.

"We're through all those 'are-UFOs-for-real' discussions. We talk about more advanced topics like the possibilities of the spaceships' technology; whether they use ion-powered crafts so they can fly fast without making any noise," he said.

Michael said his mailing list had 63 members, including scientists who could talk seriously about the phenomenon.

Astronomer Ferry Simatupang said although the possible existence of UFOs always raised the curiosity of many people, including scientists, there had not been any scientific research on the phenomenon in Indonesia.

Ferry, who is a member of the BETA-UFO mailing list, said he is "open-minded" about the existence of these objects but refuses to research the phenomenon seriously.

"These kinds of studies are like soap bubbles; they may end up as nothing. Professional scientists who live from their work are mostly reluctant to conduct such research for a living," he said.

Ferry said given the general lack of research funding in the country, he chose to play it safe by picking other research topics where more tangible results were possible.

Friday, August 8, 2008

UFO Pioneer Basic IV

Ultima Space n Time (UFO) Copyright © 2007 - Now by

Sunday, July 20, 2008

UFO IC di Berita Kota

Kemarin hari Jumat tanggal 18 Juli 2008,
Andika salah satu wartawan di Harian
Berita Kota mendadak datang ke sekretariat
UFO - IC di Graha Yasa Asri A-10 Ciputat
Jakarta Selatan

Dikarenakan saya memang saat itu saya tidak
berada ditempat, lalu direferensikan ke kantor
saya, dan wawancara di kantor sekitar jam
17.30 sore WIB

Wawancara berlangsung lancar sampai kurang
lebih jam 18.30 WIB, Andika memerlukan
beberapa photo saat gathering dan akan dimuat
pada hari Minggu di Berita Kota, tetapi saya tidak
punya, namun ada hasil dokumentasi video
yang sudah ada di

Ternyata benar hari Minggu, Berita Kota
memuat UFO - IC dan memasukkan beberapa
kesaksian yang ada di blog UFO-IC

namun seperti beberapa koran pada umumnya,
selalu ada berita yang "tidak" sesuai dengan
hasil wawancara, dan saya rasa itu wajar

contohnya bisa di baca di Berita Kota tersebut
seperti kesaksian saya tentang UFO, UFO yang
saya lihat masuk ke pusaran air, sebenarnya ada
yang perlu ditambahkan yaitu, ufo masuk ke langit
yang berubah seperti pusaran air

juga gathering pertemuan tidak sebulan sekali,
tetapi beberapa saja yang memang diperlukan
dan ada juga lainnya, jadi saya juga memaklum
kan hal ini, tambahan komentar saya tersebut
anggap sebagai pelurus berita (^_^)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Dadang - Soul Trance testimonial

But Remember, a smart life form that can take over another body of a low level smart life form can only be happen if the superior smart life form is still a live, not dead yet (^_^)

This video documented by by on Saturday, 22 March 2008 Copyleft 2008 (free to copy and modified by yourself)

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Baccilus UFO Testimonial

This video documented by by on Saturday, 22 March 2008 Copyleft 2008 (free to copy and modified by yourself)

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Anto Testimonial II

This video documented by by on Saturday, 22 March 2008 Copyleft 2008 (free to copy and modified by yourself)

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Anto Testimonial I

This video documented by by on Saturday, 22 March 2008 Copyleft 2008 (free to copy and modified by yourself)

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Jeanette UFO testimonial

This video documented by by on Saturday, 22 March 2008 Copyleft 2008 (free to copy and modified by yourself)

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Nanang - UFO testimonial

This video documented by by on Saturday, 22 March 2008 Copyleft 2008 (free to copy and modified by yourself)

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Julius Perdana UFO testimonial

This video documented by by on Saturday, 22 March 2008 Copyleft 2008 (free to copy and modified by yourself)

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Dendy VP and his testimonial on UFO

This video documented by by on Saturday, 22 March 2008 Copyleft 2008 (free to copy and modified by yourself and you can put it in your site too)

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Irfan and his Testimonial on UFO

This video documented by by on Saturday, 22 March 2008 Copyleft 2008 (free to copy and modified by yourself)

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Why Ion Propulsion not Antigravity

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Why Ion Propulsion not Anti gravity,Yes because Gravity value is differs in each planets, and there's no gravity either in space (^_^) well gravity is actually ion's mass attractive or repulsive core matter charges

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Ion Propulsion

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Ion Propulsion,
By Using Ion Propulsion, we can co wherever we want,
even in space with a lot of Hydrogen Ion (^_^)

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Unbalanced

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - unbalance,
by having just one rotating disc, the craft will be unbalance,
can cause bad accident

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Balance

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Balance
By Having two Rotating Disc Balancing each other
in Clock Wise and Counter Clock Wise Direction,
The Craft will be in high stability state

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Copper Wire Coil Replaced by Rotatting Copper Disc

We can create Vibration by replacing our old method electric multiplier wire coil copper by my new theory, by replacing wire copper coil with rotating copper disc, in this way we can achieved more power by how many rotating will be, more rotating will gain more power

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Electron and Proton

electron and proton attract each other, this already lead us to invention of electricity power, in Alternating current and Direct Current Electricity

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Ion Proton

See that proton repel another proton, or plus charge ion repel plus charge ion, this happen like magnet, South Pole repel South Pole and North pole repel North Pole

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Ion Electron

See that electron repel another electron, or minus charge ion repel minus charge ion, this happen like magnet, South Pole repel South Pole and North pole repel North Pole

Angel Michael's UFO Very Basic Theory - Magnet

Notice how the North and North Pole Magnet repel each other, same things happen on South Pole, this theory can lead us to invention of Perpetual Motion Machine or engine that can runs forever once started by some starter energy and also collect the vibration power from magnet repel to be converted into electric power and saved to at least 2 batteries, one battery have function as starter electric energy and the other for energy saving and back up electric energy (^_^)