Making crop circles are not evil, but merely an expression of one’s creativity. However, the offender should compensate farmers who partially destroyed their fields. on the basis that police were asked not catch crop circle makers in Brebah, Sleman, Yogyakarta, and then processed the law.
Multimedia Nusantara University lecturer Michael Gumelar opinion, as a beginner, the work of crop circles in Sleman was very good. Moreover, the crop circle was the first time in Indonesia.
Michael also explained that the phenomenon of crop circles that provide an understanding of the possibility of life outside Earth. “There is a possibility we are not alone in the universe. There is life beyond Earth,” he said.
Previously, Kapolsek Berbah PPA I Made Muliawan said it was looking for actors and will wear article vandalism. Meanwhile, in a blog, it says ‘Revealed Circle crop Sleman Student (UGM)’. The article reported that 6 student class UGM 2008, engaged in the manufacture ofcrop circles to fill the holiday. UGM parties are tracking that information.
Bagi yang penasaran bagaimana crop circles dibuat dengan cepat?
Maka artikel berikut bisa menjadi acuan. Crop cirlces adalah bagian dari karya seni dan desain, karena berupa karya desain, maka tentu saja memerlukan rencana yang panjang untuk dapat diterapkan dilapangan atau area yang dibutuhkan dalam waktu singkat.
Kuncinya dimana? tentu saja yang pertama element-element crop circle desain yang diperlukan adalah:
1. Team work yang kuat dengan satu visi, yaitu bekerja cepat di lapangan (area yang dimaksud untuk penerapan crop circles), visi inilah yang membuat satu sama lainnya kompak dan setuju tutup mulut demi satu tujuan, lebih banyak lebih baik dan berhati-hati agar bekas sepatu atau injakan kaki tidak terlihat di tanah area ladang/ sawah.
2. Beli sepatu yang minimal pijakan pola sepatunya atau bila perlu dihilangkan pola sepatunya dengan cara di gerinda, hingga halus.
3. Desain crop circles, menggunakan software corel draw, illustrator ataupun mendesain secara cara lama (tradisional) yaitu dengan tangan, pensil dan imajinasi untuk desain crop circlesnya.
4. Menskalakan (misalnya dari ukuran skala 0,5 cm = 0,5 meter) desain tadi dan diterapkan di terpal ((atau plastik tebal lainnya, kurang panjang dan lebar? tinggal di gabungkan dengan isolasi lakban (duct tape)) dan pensil yang bagus seperti pensil dengan goresan kuat (kadang disebut pensil kaca) lalu dapat juga menggunakan spidol permanent.
5. Menggunakan cutter atau silet atau gunting area yang mana yang tidak akan rebah areanya dan yang akan direbahkan areanya dari gambar yang sudah diskalakan diatas terpal dengan ukuran yang jauh lebih besar, dimana yang akan direbahkan, tentunya sudah dilobangi sesuai dengan pola yang sudah didesain/ direncanakan semula.
6. Siapkan juga tali-tali plastik (tali rafia) dan juga tongkat sangat tipis atau lidi untuk ditancapkan sebagai penanda untuk memudahkan tali plastik (tali rafia) tadi menempel atau diikatkan di lidi atau tongkat kecil tipis, pastikan sisa atau bekas tancapan dari lidi atau tongkat kecil tipis tadi tidak begitu terlihat ditanah.
7. Siapkan senter atau alat sejenisnya untuk penerangan, siapkan sound effect seperti suara petir, atau suara angin atau suara mirip desingan UFO dan audio playernya untuk memberi impresi lebih. Dan jangan lupa juga sarung tangan, agar tangan tidak luka terkena ilalang dan juga menghindarkan adanya jejak jari tangan di area yang ada.
8. Siapkan alat dari papan yang panjang pendeknya disesuaikan kebutuhan, demikian juga lebarnya, lalu diikat dikedua ujungnya dengan tali yang kuat agar tidak terlepas, jangan lupa, siapkan mobil agar memudahkan untuk bergerak dengan cepat dan jauh jaraknya.
9. Setelah proses desain dan persiapan dari 1-7 terlaksana dan biasanya memakan waktu lebih lama daripada membuat crop circlenya sendiri maka langkah selanjutnya mencari area sasaran untuk berlatih membuat crop circle, yaitu area padi untuk pertanian lahan kering jadi bukan jenis padi yang selalu tergenang air, jenis padi lahan kering biasanya jenis padinya tidak banyak memerlukan air dan cenderung bulir biji padinya mulai matang, maka biasanya ladang padinya kadar airnya cenderung sedikit (kering) dan biasanya pak tani juga menambahkan banyak bubuk penyubur padi, seperti Pnp dan sejenisnya, hingga kandungan phospat atau nitrat akan cenderung sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan tanah biasa kalau perlu bawa bubuk pupuk sendiri hingga setelah crop cirlce dibuat, bubuk pupuk yang mengandung phospat atau nitrat yang tinggi dibuat konsetrasi 300-500 persen atau lebih agar terlihat aneh, atau bila ada kandungan mineral lainnya seperti Zinc, Fero, Nickel, Calcium dan aneh-aneh lainnya, bukan berarti bila ada kandungan tersebut pasti dari alien atau ufo, sebab kandungan tersebut tersebar di seluruh area bumi, walaupun kadarnya ada yang rendah dan yang tinggi, atau beli saja makanan suplemen yang ada vitamin dan protein lengkapnya, atau beli di toko kimia kandungan mineral lainnya dan campur dengan pupuk, maka akan membingungkan bagi orang yang memang ingin percaya crop cirlce itu asli, bila diluar negeri karena padi tidak ada maka cari area gandum, atau jenis-jenis tanaman rumput atau sorgum yang batangnya lumayan tinggi, hingga saat diinjak menggunakan papan dan tali, cenderung untuk lebih lambat kembali ke posisi semula, bila batang padinya pendek, maka cenderung akan kembali ke posisi semula dengan lebih cepat.
10. Latihan menambah pengalaman dan kecepatan untuk bekerja secara team, cari area yang tidak terlalu terlihat oleh umum, berlatihlah dengan pola-pola sederhana dan kecil dulu, agar hasilnya rapi dan cepat, sebab latihan akan membuat semakin bagus dan terbiasa, ada pepatah "practice makes perfect", bila sudah mantap, kini mencari area sesungguhnya untuk membuat kejutan (^_^).
11. Setelah area sasaran ketemu, biasanya dekat jalan besar dan petaninya punya lahan luas dan bila bisa petakan sawahnya sangat besar hingga cukup untuk desain crop circle yang sudah dibuat.
Tunggu sampai malam tiba dan penduduk sekitar sudah pada terlelap tidur, siapkan team dan diberi waktu agar bekerja sesuai target dan pasang penerangan sesuai kebutuhan, kini hamparkan terpal dengan pola yang sudah jadi, lalu tandai area pola yang terbuka dengan lidi sesuai bentuk area yang terbuka, lalu tandai lagi dengan tali plastik (tali rafia), dimulai dari area yang paling tepi dulu, lalu perlahan melipat pola dari terpal tadi dan mulai menandai area yang cenderung ke area tengahnya, setelah semua pola jadi dan ditandai, maka tarik terpalnya, lalu dengan panduan lidi dan tali rafia (bila sudah pengalaman dan handal skillnya, maka lidi sebagai bantuan tidak diperlukan lagi, langsung saja area ditandai dengan tali rafia, bila perlu tali rafianya di olesi cat glow in the dark sebelumnya agar lebih terlihat dimalam hari), segera injak-injak dengan arah yang cenderung sama, bila membuat lingkaran, tentunya bisa dari arah dalam dulu atau dari arah luar lalu kearah dalam lingkaran, lalu bergerak memutar kekanan atau kekiri agar rebah padi, atau gandum atau tanaman sejenis lainnya bisa dengan baik rebahnya. Dan jangan membuat kesalahan dengan mencabut padi atau rumput apapun di area kerja tersebut.
12. Dengan pengalaman, terencana dan team yang handal, maka pekerjaan akan berlangsung cepat, bila sudah, angkat semua alat yang telah digunakan, jangan sampai ada sisa tali, sisa lidi atau tongkat panduan lainnya, pastikan benar-benar rapi, bersih dan tidak terlihat hasil kerja manusia. Siramkan pupuk penyubur dengan kandungan phospat atau nitrat yang tinggi agar padi tidak cepat layu dan cenderung segar lebih lama setelah diinjak-injak.
13. Bila sudah, segera play suara petir, atau angin atau suara mirip ufo, dan putar dengan kencang dengan audio player yang sudah disiapkan agar dapat terdengar oleh penduduk sekitar yang cenderung pasti mendengar karena suasana sepi, setelah itu segera jalankan mobil dengan tenang seolah tidak ada apa-apa.
14. Tunggu sampai pak tani menemukannya dan kehebohan akan terjadi, dan tidak usah mengklaim apapun, sebab anda telah merugikan pak tani dan mengelabui banyak orang, karena itu anda mungkin akan masuk penjara karenanya.
15. Tetapi yang tahu itu palsu darimana? padi ataupun gandum, sorgum ataupun sejenisnya itu rebah, dipastikan buatan manusia, mengapa? sebab yang asli bukan rebah, tetapi batangnya membengkok dan separuhnya masih berdiri (bending stalk) artikelnya ada di link berikut:
oleh: angel.michael@rocketmail.com - 2010
by Luiza Becari
Luiza Becari is a freelance writer and humanitarian residing in Brazil.
In 1989, a large Sun Storm caused a massive blackout in the province of Quebec, Canada. It almost did the same on the East Coast of the United States. Most people have never heard of a Sun Storm, orGeomagnetic Storm. In fact, sun storms would remain largely unknown if their effects on our planet were not so devastating.
Sun Storms are caused by changes in the space weather, which also cause ionospheric storms, bombardments of the Earth by charged particles and dramatic increases in dangerous radiation such as X-rays, gamma rays and more. Since the power outages of 1989, virtually every power plant, computer company and other service that is vulnerable to radiation interference, has been trying to find a way to avoid sun storm damage. Their success or failure could mean the safeguarding of millions-- or billions-- of dollars in damaged equipment and lost revenues.
According to Richard Thompson, at the IPS Radio and Space Services in Australia, these sun storms cause such extensive damage because of "the surges of electric current they induce in long conductors, such as power lines and pipelines".
A geomagnetic storm is the result of constant explosions on the searing surface of the Sun. These explosions throw off an incredible amount of highly energetic particles, which stream into space at velocities of thousands of miles an hour. When these particles happen to hit our atmosphere, the consequences may be drastic.
Unseen to the naked eye, these highly charged particles can cause any number of harmful consequences:
When hitting our atmosphere, charged particles can imperil astronauts, push satellites out of their orbits or simply destroy their circuitry.
If they hit the ground, they can confuse compasses, knock out power systems, cause massive blackouts.
Charged particles can interrupt HF radio transmissions and interfere with navigation systems and the GPS (Global Positioning System), used by many commercial airlines, which may report false locations by up to tens of meters.
Cycles of Nature
The Sun has periodic cycles of heightened activity. This is known as the "eleven year cycle." The 1989 storm happened during the last "solar maximum" (the strongest part of the eleven year cycle) and its effects were felt all over the world. The next peak is scheduled for the years 2000/2002 and it is expected to cause even more damages than the 1989 storm.
Being prepared is the best way to avoid the effects of a Sun storm. The Space Program, for example, has to schedule its activities in a way to protect astronauts and safeguard spacecraft. Power companies, predicting a sun storm allows them to prepare their grids to stand the great interference caused by ionized particles coming from the Sun and to anticipate interruptions or even a total energy blackouts.
Scientist have been working hard to find a predict and detect solar storms as soon as they start on their way to Earth. Unfortunately, forecasting these storms is not as simple as predicting the weather here on Earth. Forecasts for most Geomagnetic storm can only be made in very short advance. There is usually only "2 to 4 days warning, as the material moves outward from the Sun," says Richard Thompson. Although the possibility of a storm coming may be seen days in advance, the most reliable and precise forecasts can be given only about one hour before the storm hits. These immediate forecasts can be derived thanks to the solar wind information scientists only recently started receiving from the ACE spacecraft. The latest monitoring spacecraft is positioned between the Earth and the Sun (but much closer to Earth). Unfortunately, such a short notice does not give much time for concerned parties to get prepared.
Because sun storm detection is so vital, scientists keep their eyes on the skies day and night, monitoring the Sun 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Some scientists have recently proposed amathematical model that involves the rate of planetary axial revolution and the corresponding rates of revolution of solar currents at various latitudes. There is some suggestion that this theory can predict past solar storms, as well as future solar activity. Until this theory is confirmed and accepted by the scientific community, constant vigilance is the only reliable system for warning of these dangerous storms.
Just In Time?
The Cassini probe (see Cassini: A Poisonous Package in Viewzone archives) is scheduled to return to Earth's atmosphere on August, 16, 1999. This date coincides with the beginning of the next Solar Maximum. The probability of Sun storms will be the greatest since the last peak in 1989, when the blackout in Quebec occurred. What does this mean? Besides the expected risks NASA took in launching its probe, filled with about 72 pounds of radioactive fuel, there is also the possibility of the probe suffering interference from geomagnetic storms and other effects derived from solar flares. A very unique alignment of the planets, called The Grand Cross, will also coincide with Cassini's return. Opinions on whether and how an accident with the probe and its poisonous contents would affect our planet diverge radically. But even those who dismiss any possibility of contamination admit there's a chance Cassini will break up if its "sling-shot" rendezvous is altered. The extent and gravity of the damages will only be completely understood when and if the accident happens. Unfortunately, it may be too late.
By Stephen Wagner, About.com Guide
This etching on one of the stones seems to show a man riding a pterodactyl.
~ Dan Eden, ViewzoneBut what if there were already better evidence that at least some dinosaurs had survived long enough to coexist with humans? Evidence better than just stories. What if early humans had actually etched pictures of dinosaurs on rock faces. That would constitute pretty good proof, wouldn't it?
Such rocks exist. Known collectively as the Ica Stones (they are found in Ica, Peru), these rocks, varying in size from that of a baseball to twice that of a basketball, are hand-etched with pictures of primitive fish, dinosaurs and Indians using what appear to be tools of advanced technology. The problem is, the age of these rocks cannot be verified. But they are intriguing, and they have delighted tourists and mystified researchers for decades.
Where Did They Come From?
The Ica Stones first came to the attention of the scientific community in 1966 when Dr. Javier Cabrera, a local physician, received a small, carved rock for his birthday from a poor native. The carving on the rock looked ancient to Dr. Cabrera, but intrigued him because it seemed to depict a primitive fish. Hearing that the doctor was interested in the stone, local natives began to bring him more, which they collected from a river bank (not far from the famous Nazca lines). This soon developed into a vast collection of more than 15,000 stones, many etched with impossible scenes. Whereas it might be difficult to prove that the fish represented a long-extinct species, as Dr. Cabrera thought, other scenes carved on other stones are not so ambiguous. They clearly depict such dinosaurs as triceratops, stegosaurus, apatosaurus and human figures riding on the backs of flying pterodactyls. What's more, some of the scenes are of men hunting and killing dinosaurs. Others show men watching the heavens through what look like telescopes, performing open-heart surgery and cesarean section births.
How could this be? Modern man is only about 2 million years old and dinosaurs are thought to have become extinct about 60 million years ago. There are three possibilities:
The stones themselves are composed of andesite, a very hard mineral that would make etching quite difficult with primitive tools. They are covered with a natural varnish that is created by bacteria over thousands of years. The etching is made by scraping away this dark varnish to reveal the lighter mineral beneath. According to some reports, examinations of the stones show that the grooves of the etchings also bear traces of additional varnish, however, indicating that they are very old.
Ica natives had been selling such stones to the tourist trade. In fact, when one man was arrested for selling them (if the stones are genuine artifacts, they would be the property of the government and therefore illegal to sell), he confessed to carving the images himself. Those who believe the carvings are authentic suspect that the confession was made to avoid jail. Yet natives of the area can be seen today making etchings on stones in the style of the Ica Stones to sell to tourists. But the distinction between their product and the "genuine" stones is that the newly etched stones clearly scrape away all of the varnish.
Next page > Authentic or Hoax?
http://paranormal.about.com/od/ancientanomalies/ig/Most-Puzzling-Ancient-Artifact/The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient ArtifactsBy Stephen Wagner, About.com Guide The Bible tells us that God created Adam and Eve just a few thousand years ago, by some fundamentalist interpretations. Science informs us that this is mere fiction and that man is a few million years old, and that civilization just tens of thousands of years old. Could it be, however, that conventional science is just as mistaken as the Bible stories? There is a great deal of archeological evidence that the history of life on earth might be far different than what current geological and anthropological texts tell us. Consider these astonishing finds: Images 1-10 of 10 |